I'm officially two toys closer to a complete set. Only two more to hunt down. These toys are insanely cute! I'm simply in awe over how adorable they are. These toys make me happy!
These wonderful toys are vinyl & about 5.5-6inches tall, very nice size, works wonderfully with the body shapes. I personally really love the backs of these toys, the little drill-tail on Honey Drill is adorable! Also love the added detail of the spine-ridges, they really 'complete' the figures I think. Overall, I think these are fantastic, so glad I've finally acquired a couple of them. Now I just have to spend the next year or so hunting down the last two(Honey drill in blue, Buzz Milk in pink).
Additionally, while I'm here typing, I apologise(as usual) for neglecting my blog recently. I've been busy with work & I've also been obsessively reading, which seems to keep me away from my pc. I'm working on getting my blog-flow back however, so bare with me!