Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Le Fucker - LeFucker Tag [Matt Black]

Thanks to Jeffrey Koh(Le Fucker), I'm now the proud owner of a Matt Black LeFucker Tag. Limited to only 5, I feel incredibly privileged to own one. I recommend popping over to the LeFucker store if you want to own one, I'm personally surprised they haven't sold out yet. Don't miss your chance to own these 8inches of self-satisfying resin!

Get a tag of the unlegendary LeFucker. Cast in resin by the awesome people from Pretty in Plastic, this is hardy enough to be used as a weapon of minimal destruction or just as a decorative piece on your table to serve as a warning to nincompoops. Or perhaps as a gift to your beloved boss.
Time to screw the world.

I always love being introduced to another company that produce toys. Pretty In Plastic make some incredible items, the series of LeFucker Tags is a beautiful example in my opinion. Personally, I think it's even more stunning in real life & it also makes a nice shelf-partner for my Tooth Decay.

Hopefully I'll own another one or two of these in the future. A yellow version has already been released as a follow-up to the Matt Black, but I'm holding out for the gloss black version! So happy with this first version however, glad to have it on my shelves. A lovely little statement piece.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tofufu Studio - Mini Prints

Recently, I stumbled across Tofufu's store on etsy, 'Tofufu Studio' & was simply compelled to buy a few of their mini prints! They're adorable, limited to 500 & extremely reasonably priced. I settled on three designs.

Of course, the wonderful people at Tofufu threw in an extra little print for me, a fantastic little treat. I cannot wait to put these up, I plan to display them with a bunch of my toys. I need to acquire some appropriate hanging paraphernalia first however. For now, they'll be stashed away with my collection of un-hung artwork. Definitely something I hope to rectify soon.

I;m a huge fan of Tofufu, particularly their artwork. They offer a selection of some of the cutest little pieces of art available anywhere, I'm incredibly proud to me a new owner of some of their work! They of course also supply an epic selection of toys, which is always a plus for me & my fellow collectors!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Cheestroyer Cheeseburger - Double Haunt - Kickstarter

I just want to bring attention to a brilliant kickstarter that's running at the moment. Double Haunt creates fantastic little critters(he also happens to be from Brisbane & I like to support my local toy creators!) & right now he's collaborating with Bad Teeth Comics to try & produce the comic character 'Cheestroyer' into a vinyl toy.

Crazy Kaiju Cheeseburger Vinyl Toy from Australia's Bad Teeth Comics & Double Haunt
--- The Mini Cheestroyer!!

Imagine relaxing on the beach and suddenly seeing a huge creature emerging from the ocean.. Could it be Godzilla?? As it bursts through the surface you recognize a familiar image - a sesame seed bun!! The "Mini Cheestroyer" has arrived and here's your chance to bring him to life in the form of a wonderful Glow in the Dark soft vinyl toy measuring 4.5 inches tall with articulated head and waist joints!

The rewards for pledging are brilliant, pocket-burger monsters, different versions of the vinyl Cheestroyer(glow, clear & numerous others), original art etc. All very reasonable prices too. I say jump on it while you have the opportunity, certain items are available through pledging only. Score yourself some fun rare items!
It is one insane looking kaiju-esque toy. I wanted to pledge, but tragically I'm incapable of doing so at the moment(No debit or credit card. Something I seriously intend to rectify in the near future, so I can support toy kickstarters). I would hate to see their goal fail however, I'm always inspired when I see the effort people put in to create their toys. It's something worth supporting in my opinion.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Ron English x Pearl Jam - Falla Sheep - Monochrome

So, thanks to JazzyDan(Fugi.me) I have myself another awesome toy. My very first Ron English toy(how sad is that?), one of his new Falla Sheep. I'm only seeking 3 of the colour variations of this toy, thanks to JazzyDan, I'm one down on my list. The toy is surprisingly awesome. A little bigger then I'd envisioned, articulated arms & his awesome little anti-NRA rifle accessory was a completely necessary addition to the toy design.

I'm really in love with this toy design. A wolf in sheep's clothing, the concept greatly amuses me. Seriously so much detail on these toys though, makes me wish I was a better photographer(also, ignore the randomness of the pic, been moving stuff around).

Such a great new addition to my collection, so happy with it! Can't wait to seek out the Brown & Black versions in the future!
As always, I apologise for neglecting my blog lately. I spent my week cleaning & decorating in preparation for Christmas. It was time consuming & exhausting.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

GID Sugar Skull Tooth Decay‏ - Creo Design - Clutter Magazine 'Gift Wrapped' Exhibition

A wonderful new creation from Creo Design. A custom Glow in the dark Tooth Decay, made exclusively for Clutter Magazine's 'Gift Wrapped' exhibition. A incredibly detailed piece of art, hand carved and painted to resemble a yellow plaque stained Tooth.

It looks incredible when it's glowing! I'm generally not a big fan of GID toys, or sugar skull items, but this is an exception. It looks amazing.

Head down to the Clutter Gallery between 14th December - 6th January 2014, to grab yourself this one of a kind Glow in the Dark Sugar Skull Tooth Decay. It will be on sale for $250. Tragically, beyond my reach & my price range right now. I hope this unique piece of art finds itself a good home.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Little Prick - Cactus Green - Brian Flynn

I recently joined the skullbrain forums. Amazing group of people! Within the first week I had someone offer to send me some postcards(one of which was for my A Clockwork Orange collection) & then I found someone selling one of the toys I needed! I really love buying from fellow-collectors, they're much more interested in helping someone with their collection, then flipping the toy for money. It's a nice change from some of the places I shop. Back to the point, I found myself my first 'Little Prick'!

I'm a huge fan of Brian Flynns 'Little Prick' platform, I plan to hunt down all the green varieties eventually. Their little underpants are adorable! I have a thing for toys in thighty-whiteys & yes, I'm a weirdo.

The first of what will hopefully be many purchases through skullbrain. Really a fantastic toy, I honestly cannot wait to own more.
Personal note, I'm currently on a toy-shopping break. I'm saving for some large purchases & christmas of course is taking priority at this time of year. My 'new toy' posts will be rarer, but I'm hoping to do a few 'new release' blog entries over the next month or so. I'll also be doing some work on my A Clockwork Orange Collector blog, which any/all Stuff & Things readers are welcome to stalk.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Vinyl Cavey - Glossy Red Edition - A Little Stranger

Huge apologies that it's been so long since my last blog entry. Really bad week, it's taken me a few days to get my flow back, but it's the weekend, so time to share some toy goodness! I recently ordered myself a Red Cavey, one of A Little Strangers adorable little toys. This particular colour is exclusive to Collect & Display. It's so adorable I might die. They're still available, but limited to only 50, to get in quick!

I'm really craving the black & white versions now. Can't wait to have a little group of these guys. I especially love how super-shiny the red version is. Beautifully made toy & it's little fabric tag, as all A Little Stranger toys have, is as cute as ever!
I have a couple of other toys to share, but for today, I might leave it here. Go grab yourself a red Cavey while they last, totally worth it!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

DCON & Supanova

It's been an exceptionally slow mail week, so I thought I'd share a few of the convention exclusives I just missed out on this weekend.
The Brisbane Supanova didn't have any toy exclusives from my knowledge, but after seeing numerous photos etc. It appears they've really improvements the overall 'appearance' of the convention. I wish I had gone. Additionally a few of my fave Brisbane artists had booths, would've been awesome to stop by, buy some of their things. Oh well, there's always next year.
DesignerCon on the other hand, is in Pasadena, just a "small" distance from me, so completely out of the question. This year they had an incredibly selection of exclusive toys, it was impossible to avoid information about them. My weekend ended with me being quite grumpy about it all.
Anyway, here's a few of the toys from DCON that I'm coveting.

Frank Kozik has produced some more mini Ludwig Van Beethoven busts. His released them in clear resin & orange resin so far. I'm absolutely desperate for these(particularly the orange version), but as is often the case with convention exclusives, I probably will never own them. Sad times.

Circus Posterus had some great artists associated with their DCON booth this year. Both Chris Ryniak & Amanda Louise Spayd designed minis for the occasion. They are, in my opinion, basically the cutest little toys ever. Thankfully, Amanda Louise Spayd will be making more Pipsqueaks, in more colours, in the near future. I look forward to acquiring one day.

Bugbite & Fuzzlethump by Chris Ryniak

Pipsqueak by Amanda Louise Spayd

Paulkaiju released a huge number of toys at DCON this year, seriously tempted by many of them. However, there is one that I seriously intend to hunt down. The blue 'Mr. Ree' release. The colours are incredibly vivid, I'm also a fan of toys with accessories & extra heads etc. This really is just a stunning a toy in my opinion.

Two more conventions over, two more I didn't attend(or couldn't attend). I intend to improve this situation next year. I shall hunt down all toy-focused conventions/exhibitions/markets etc. & attend them all. In theory anyway. Now to spend the next week or two, attempting to hunt down everything I want, that I couldn't get. I need to find myself a personal shopper.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Yaghan People - GEEK! - Medicom Toy Exclusive

When it comes to the Japanese toys I acquire, it's usually an instant 'I NEED to own this!' moment. Yaghan People by GEEK! was definitely one of those times.
I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned this before, but one of my numerous interests, is history/culture/humanity. The Yaghan People toys(there's two more being released from my understanding) were inspired by a South American group of people called 'Yaghan People'(also possibly, based on my readings, that they've mistaken Selknam People for Yaghan People). They truly are a fascinating culture, perfect inspiration for a toy. So anyway, to acquire this toy I had to sign up for a lottery through Medicom. I have never signed up for a toy lottery before, so I was incredibly pleased when I got my e-mail stating my name had been pulled.

For it's price(about $110US) it's a huge size, about 12inches. They are also hand-painted. Being an art lover, I can definitely appreciate that aspect. The header card is awesome, printed with the original photo that inspired the toy.

There was also a small photo-sized print of the 'inspiration' image included with the toy. Really a wonderful little addition & quite unexpected.
This is a toy that will look epic amongst my randomness(as the following photo expresses!). Can't wait to get my new desk & give it a semi-permanent display spot. Definitely one of my favourite toys of the year. So happy I had the opportunity to buy one.

Now, just a pre-warning. I have a handful of toys I'm waiting on & I'll be buying one or two more this week. However, due to christmas & a rather large purchase I'm saving for(I may have mentioned it in my previous post?), I'll be spending what little cash I have in the next few weeks on gift shopping & saving what I can for my 'large purchase'. I will of course occasionally blog about new items I'm coveting, but new toy arrivals may be a little slow in the next couple of months.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Micro 'My Little Unicron' & Cupcake Plane Kit - Rampage Toys

Received another order from Rampage Toys today. Always an exciting way to wake-up. Ordered myself one of their Micro 'My Little Unicorn' toys in yellow vinyl. It's adorable, I hope to buy more of them when more colours are released in the future. I also managed to pick up one of the last Cupcake Plane model kits. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna leave it unpainted, mostly because my 'small detail' painting skills are quite lacking & I wouldn't want to destroy something so awesome. It has a basic nail to use for it's stand. That aspect amuses me greatly, one simply can't go wrong with something so tiny & ridiculous. Rampage Toys Cupcake Planes are also pretty awesome due to the fact they're made up of three pieces. Magnets keep the cupcake & plane blades in place. So cute & simple, I'm actually considering buying a few other colours just for the novelty aspect.

Rampage Toys have also released their Halloween selection:

- Splatterhouse GID Kyuuketsushi
- 'Tricks and Treats' Bobby and Harry set
- X-Ray Kowaillas(5 varieties)
- Orange/Black marbled vinyl Ugly Unicorns

Absolutely fantastic group of toys. I'm seriously considering buying one or two of the 'X-Ray Kowaillas' & generally, I'm not a big fan of that sculpt. Yet here I sit, contemplating an exception. I'm a huge fan of skeleton toys & orange/black, so Halloween is a great time for me & toys, assuming I have the money to spend. In this case, I may have to wait. Maybe I'll be lucky & there will be a couple still available next week.

So many new toys from Rampage lately, I'm in awe over their creativity(& motivation). Hopefully I'll acquire more in the near future. However, I'm currently saving for a rather large toy/art purchase, so my flow of purchases might be a little low for a while. All worth it though, to own the things one truly wants, sacrifices must be made now & then. I will blog about a couple I've had to say 'no' to recently to afford other, higher priority toys.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Mini Toasted Marshall - 64 Colors

So, the weekend is here, I have no money(again), so I thought it's time to blog, save myself browsing things all day that I can't afford. Loads of new toys released this week that I'm dying for, but today I just wanna share one that arrived a couple of days ago. The mini toasted Marshall by 64 Colors.

So adorable, honestly cannot wait to get more 64 colors toys, they're sickeningly cute. Hoping to hunt down the full-sized Marshall soon(only an inch bigger) & want some of the Gumdrops as well, because, well, they're adorable.
Haven't quite decided if I want other colour versions of Marshall yet, it is tempting. For now though, I settled for the 'he's been tortured but he's still smiling' version(yes, my mind works in... interesting ways). A touch of violence on my collection of 'cute' always goes well with me.

I have a couple of other toys from the week to blog about this weekend, bit of a slow toy week, but 'some' is better then 'none'. I've actually taken some time this week to focus on my art. Did a few hours of work on my computer & finally got a printer cable. Plan to spend part of my weekend scanning sketches(& possibly more computer art). If i feel confident enough, I made add a link or two to my work in my next blog. This is a good example of my life 'distractions' however. One person, trying to do a million things, so as always, I apologise for the delay between blog entries.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Gloss-Black & Gloss-White QiQi - Ziqi x Creo Design

Thanks to my persistence(perhaps a better word is 'harassment'?) I have two new toys I'm very proud to own. Due to my insane obsession with Creo Design & Ziqi(monster Little) I took it upon myself to see if I could hunt down more versions of QiQi. Searching through photos I learned there was at least two more versions(I already owned 3). So I contacted Creo Design(I had been communicating... or harassing Chris since he made Tooth Decay) asking if he was able to source my sought-for QiQi's. Chris suggested I contact Ziqi directly. I'm a little nervous about contacting new people, but the search for epic cuteness pushed me to write to them.
I was in luck, Ziqi thought they may have one or two hiding around. Happy to say, they managed to find two blanks for me, one gloss-black & one gloss-white.

I didn't even know a blank-black version existed, so think of my joy from this news! Two more QiQi for my 'army of cute'. Still one more QiQi to hunt for, the black & silver version. One day my army shall be complete!
The black one is beautiful, can't explain it, but there's something about the texture of the toy that just makes it shine is a unique way. The white one is almost pearlescent, very unexpected. They look beautiful next to each other, hopefully I'll have a little display tank for them soon.

So happy to have made a new artist friend & about successfully acquiring new 'cute' for my shelves. I'm simply loving Facebook lately, helping me meet new, artistically inclined, people. It helps motivate & inspire me & gives me like-minded people to communicate with.

A side note on 'shelves'. Only another week or two until I'll have my new desk. I will share photos once it's all set up. I'm hoping to dedicate at least two shelves to toys over time, but we'll see how things go. The QiQi army however, will most definitely be making it onto my new shelves!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Spiki the Wolfman - Teen Wolf Variant - Mai Hiro

As any child of the 80's will tell you, Teen Wolf is awesome. So when I stumbled across the Spiki the Wolfman Teen Wolf variant, I simply had to have it. However, being limited to only 100, this was proving a little complicated. Thankfully I pop onto rotocasted 2-3times a day & someone just happened to be selling one.

Spiki is a creation by Mai Hiro(Nakanari) & the toys are manufactured by Kuso Vinyl. There are many versions(most recently Ninja ones), I'm actually considering buying the other Wolfman version, it's a subtle parody of Michael Jackson in Thriller, in his red & yellow varsity jacket. I'm still undecided & for now, I'm quite happy with my little Teen Wolf Spiki.

There is one other Teen Wolf inspired toy I'm seeking at the moment, one of the Google Android toys. He's a little beyond my price range at the moment(recently realised I really should start making some headway with my x-mas shopping), but soon he shall take his place next to Spiki, thus helping me emphasise the awesomeness that is Teen Wolf.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Slumber x Creo Design - SlumberBean

Just heard about a fantastic upcoming toy release. A collaboration between Slumber & Creo Design, the SlumberBean 'Flavour Friends' are absolutely adorable in my opinion. Cast from Creo Design's unique PU resin, they are 5inches tall & limited to 20 per colour. The first edition 'Original Flavour'(red) will be released on Friday 01.11.2013 at mid day GMT from http://www.slumberbean.com for £30 Excluding shipping.

SlumberBean was originally created by illustrator Sam Hadley, also known as Slumber in 2010.
The Slumberbean already stars in a series of illustrated prints but now he's ready to snooze around your home in a new limited series of Art Figures called 'Flavour Friends'. SlumberBean features in the Pictoplasma Character Compendium, and has been exhibited in Bristol, Berlin and Madrid.

I really hope I manage to get one of these, I adore Creo's hand crafts/cast/painted items, would be simply wonderful to add another to my collection. Also, I just adore shelf-sitting toys & had been planning to acquire some, now I have a wonderful excuse to do so!

Monday, October 14, 2013

PEZ & Other Things

So, as you may or may not know, I also collect PEZ. I recently received an order of them(plan to take a break from PEZ shopping for a while now) & just thought I'd share a photo with you all(apologies for my carpet, apparently it looks even worse in photos then in real life).

Not a bad addition to my collection, pretty sure I'm all caught up with my Star Wars PEZ now, so that's nice. The barbie boxset is a little outside of my taste, but I really hate falling too far behind on boxsets & I figured if I was getting the KISS one, might as well just get both! Of course, it's taken me about 3days to clean & reorganise my PEZ collection. Still got another 20 or so ninja turtle PEZ to set up. It's such a tedious process.

Besides PEZ I haven't received anything new for a week or so(waiting on a few items however). So I thought I'd share one of the items I wish I could buy right now.
Scott Wilkowskis AlphaInvader & MicroInfection set.

For only $40, a beautiful set. I've heard that Wilkowskis smaller work is hard to find once it sells out, so I'm hoping I can pull the funds together soon(really sick of saving) before they sell out.

I have a few other 'wants' I may share in the future, but hopefully I'll have a few new toys in my own collection to share in the coming weeks. As always, apologies for being such a terrible procrastinator when it comes to my blog(& most other aspects of my life), it's been a 'lazy week' in my world.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Child’s Play 2 - Horror Be@rbrick - Series 25

I just remembered I have another toy I'd forgotten to blog about. I'm planning to buy a display for be@rbricks soon, as a result it occurred to me I should actually buy a few more. So, the first one I've acquired is the Child's Play 2 release(there's also a 400% version & a variant).

Not the most unique be@rbrick available, but only the first of many(I already have the two Giger 100% ones, but they have their own display boxes). Hopefully by the time I buy the display for them, I have a few more & taking a photo is worth it. For now, at least I've made a start, as it's ridiculous how many be@rbricks I want(mostly film focused ones).

Not a bad starter-bear. He was extremely cheap, which is why I bought him(just happened to have a spare $10 at the time). Hopefully I'll be picking up another few cheaper ones soon, though I'm sure I'll share them here to let you know, when the time comes.
Again, just a warning that my funds are a little low at the moment, so new toy posts might be a little rare for a while. I'm planning to do a few 'things I want' blogs in the near future, keep you all entertained while I'm poor.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Big T + Little C + Barry - BFFS Series 2 - Travis Cain

Ok, I've had a pretty bad week, so I wanted to leave this blog until my mood was a little better. I had a theft incident earlier this week, a man walked into my home & stole my bag. Now, generally this wouldn't be a problem, except that my bag was covered in 17years of badges I'd collected & keychains, patches etc. The sentimental loss is overwhelming. Mostly, I've been trying not to think about it.
So, to move on to better subject, lets continue with my tooth obsession. As I've mentioned before, I have serious issues with the dental industry, dental hygiene, just teeth in general. As a result, I feel the need to portray that aspect of myself through at least a small portion of my toy shopping. So I went hunting & I found Travis Cain. His toys are adorable! There are a few pieces from his BFFS series that I'd love to acquire, but the teeth took priority. Big T is just the most adorable little tooth ever!

So I browsed on ebay & found a Big T + Little C + Barry for myself. Nothing cuter then a tooth decayed by candy corn!
There are other Travis Cain toys I want(including another tooth), mostly the ones that relate to me(coffee, lungs etc), but I'm just glad to have another tooth to sit amongst my other toys.

Just another small addition to my collection. I'm in the process of trying to save for a couple of larger toys, so my purchases have been a little slow lately. I am, however, trying to buy reasonably regularly, mostly for the benefit of my readers. Always more I want & I always find a way to justify spending the money! This week, I only have one more toy to share with you all. Hopefully this 'lull' won't be long-lived. Maybe next week I'll share a few things I 'want' instead of things I 'have'!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Polar Edition BearAll - Jon-Paul Kaiser - Rhyme Square

Received my BearAll - Polar Edition recently(took me about a week to get a decent photo. There was many failed attempted). Ordered from eBay, from Daniel Perry(Jazzydan) who runs fugi.me & was a finalist for 'best collection' in the designer toy awards this year. He's selling some of his collection, I'm just thankful I had money. I had to outbid a few people to win this little guy, but he was well worth it.

BearAll is an awesome sculpt, for some reason I simply cannot say 'no' to a naughty toy. Genitalia on a bear is just genius to me, I guess I have some issues. It really is an adorable little bear design though, I hope to hunt down some of the other colour variants in the future, if I'm lucky.

I'm so glad I've become aware of Jon-Paul Kaiser(Rhyme Square) & his awesome little bears. He released a Red Panda edition recently, tragically I missed the 24hour period he made it available. Hopefully one shows up on eBay one day. For now, the Polar Edition suits my current 'white things' obsession, so I'm glad this is where my BearAll collection has begun.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Obvious Slogan #2 - Hands off my Dinosaur!

Recieved a wonderful art print in the mail. I recently learned I had won the print, quite a few months ago(thanks Facebook for your 'Other' message section). Teo Zirinis, creator of 'Hands off my Dinosaur' does adorable work & I was so pleased to get to choose one of his prints from society6. I settled on one titled 'Obvious Slogan #2'.

It was truly a difficult decision, he has so many wonderful designs, seriously considering ordering some more for myself, or possibly for some of my friends & family(I do have one friend I've been having trouble thinking up gift ideas for this year, this could be a solution!). Here are some of the other designs I considered.

It's always nice to win something, especially when it's something actually worth winning! Now I just need a frame & then I'll find a spot for this new print on my walls somewhere.
Hopefully I'll have more art prints/paintings etc. to write about in the future. I am incredibly lazy about actually hanging any of the artwork I own however. I'm hoping to rectify that soon, then I can assess what space I have left for more!