Friday, November 17, 2017

The Four Boob Bozwangler - Cupco

I have been meaning to buy this toy for years & finally I satisfied that need! Added bonus, this was delivered on a Saturday, no idea why(generally we don't get weekend post in Australia) but I'm not complaining, it was a wonderful surprise!
The Four Boob Bozwangler from Cupco is just insane & cracks me up. This toy definitely falls into the aesthetic I seek in my collection! I'll let the product description speak for itself on this one. It sums up this wacky toy much better then I ever could!

The Four Boob Bozwangler has it all! The best outerspace friend you will ever meet!
Here is the poem of the existence of the Bozwangler:


The Bozwangler is about 7 inches tall, vinyl & came with it's packaging flat-packed. I'm undecided on whether I'll display it in it's box or not.
There was also a bunch of extra goodies thrown into my package! A couple of patches & stickers, a mini print & a enamel pin! Just epic goodies & one very satisfied customer!

Cupco are based in Australia, so it was great to support a more local artist. This will probably be the last toy I purchase for myself this year(though I still have a back-log to blog about!), but I couldn't think of a better way to end my years collecting! I highly recommend everyone adds a Four Boob Bozwangler to their life!

You can find Cupco on facebook & instagram, or if you're looking to buy some of their crazy products, check out their store!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Box of Goodies! - Ben Seto

I just received a lovely box of bits & pieces from Ben Seto! Owner of Black Sheep Comics & creator of 'Skullbunnies'(amongst other critters!). I've been a fan of Bens work for years, but we've only recently been communicating & he offered to send me some goodies!
SO much CUTE! Seriously, this is some adorable stuff! The little drawing was a big surprised! The reason I first contacted Ben was because of a A Clockwork Orange painting they had done years ago(it was shared on facebook). I may not have been able to acquire the painting, but I got this little cutie instead!

The stickers are amazing, they feel nice to the touch(yes, I fondled them!). I must find somewhere to slap them. The badges are fantastic too(badly placed in my photo)! I always appreciate new badges to add to my collection, especially when they're this delightfully cute!

My favourite item from this bundle, has to be the mini Skullbunny resin. Don't get me wrong, huge fan of Star Wars & the Buntrooper figure is awesome(& it came with a extra head!), but the classic style Skullbunnies have always been very appealing to me & I'm so super happy to finally have one!
These resin Skullbunnies are tiny! Only 1.75inches tall! I only have a handful of smaller resin pieces & I couldn't be happier to add these little cuties to my shelves!

You can find Benjamin Seto on facebook & instagram, or if you're heading to DCon this weekend they'll be their selling their wares(Booth 100)!

This blog is the official bounce-back since a bout of writers-block. Hopefully I'll finish up some other posts to share sooner rather then later(I may opt for a giant 'catch-up' post).

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Small Wunders & GIVEAWAY - I Break Toys

I just received a lovely parcel of goodies from I Break Toys(Lisa Rae Hansen)! Most of the items aren't for me(I'll discuss that in a moment), but she was kind enough to send me a tiny little orange 'Small Wunder' resin toy & a Kyoot enamel pin!

I Break Toys recently ran a Kickstarter to try & get Kyoot produced as a vinyl toy. Tragically they didn't reach their goal, but I think it's a fantastic character & I hope they try again! In the meantime this pin is a welcome addition to my life!

The tiny Small Wunder critter is just adorable! It's about 1 inch tall. I only have one other resin toy that size & oddly enough Lisa Rae Hansen was the one who cast & painted it(Power5 'Burnt Out' by Alto)! So happy to add another tiny toy to my collection! It's too darn cute!

I had originally communicated with Lisa about her tiny Small Wunders figures early last year(they were available at TOYCONUK last year I believe) & had completely forgotten to follow-up about them.
For those who don't know, I run a group on facebook called 'Resin Toy Obsession'. My group is due to reach 1000 members within the next week or two! In preparation(& desperation) for that milestone, I wanted something really brilliant for a Giveaway. I Break Toys was the first to come to mind & so I finally got back to her about my long-gone inquiry about some toys. She gladly offered to contribute something for the group & boy did she deliver!

Rather then the tiny versions of her Small Wunders, she sent a complete set of her original full-size 'Small Wunders' series. Hopless The Sad Bunny, The Way Up, Kookie & Just Looking. A very fun set of toys, ranging from about 2inches to 2.5inches in height & each piece is limited to only 5! I couldn't be more excited about this contest & I'm so happy with this amazingly generous contribution to my group!

If you'd like to check out I Break Toys work, you can find them on instagram, facebook or you can check out their website!

If you're as excited about the giveaway as I am, my group is always open to new resin connoisseurs! You can find Resin Toy Obsession on facebook!

Monday, July 24, 2017

Combex Bear & Art Whore Patch

I always intend to acquire vintage toys & I never seem to actually follow-through on that intention! Thankfully I have friends who rectify my self-deprivation! Josh Griffith from Art Whore recently bought himself an armful of toys. A few comments later & he offered to send me one! I always appreciate a gift!

Thanks for the use of your photo Josh!

This adorable squeaky toy is from a company called Combex & was made in England. I'm unsure exactly what decade it's from(or it's exact name), I'd guess during the 50s-70s somewhere. It's about 10 inches tall & by far one of my more domineering toys!
One of the reasons I think I found this toy so appealing, is it's bib. One of the first toys I ever owned(& still own) wore a bib. Nostalgic appeal is behind many of the things I own.

Due to it's age I decided to put it on, what I call, my 'Knick Knack' shelf. Where I put all my vintage/antique items, or anything that simply has no other home. Now I need more vintage toys for it to loom over!

In addition to the lovely chunk of vintage vinyl, there was a patch swimming around in my package too! This patch is just ridiculously retro! I had actually intended to buy one the next time I was shopping in Art Whores shop. My crappy photo really doesn't emphasise the colours on this patch. I'm eager to get it stitched to my bag(if i can find the space)!

It's nice to have something a bit different, a bit random & a bit cute! I truly appreciate the gesture & I'm always happy to add something new to my collection! Hopefully, I'll have more vintage toys to share in the future & to accompany this bear on my shelves!

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Plush Fiction - A Sammy 'Sado Friend' Plush Doll - Greenbag Toys

Last year, I reviewed 'Sammy the Sado' by Greenbag Toys & included an early teaser for the Sammy plush doll!The wait is over & they're finally here! I'm a huge fan of Sammy. This doll is pretty ridiculous, but much like it's resin counterpart, Sammy continues to appeal to me!

Sammy is a delivery of fantasies, his job is answering the calls of the avid customers searching for new and exciting experiences. Sammy does not speak, he only listens, smiles and execute. For him there's not an impossible, sufficiently risky or weird fantasy, in the Sammy's world, everything is possible, you just have to call and wait until he knocks on your door.

The Plush Fiction doll comes packaged with a print(from the photo-shoot done for the release of the toy!) & two tank tops! It's always fun to get a toy that can actually be played with. Sammy even has velcro on his hands(though mine seems to be a bit fat to hold his hands together!).

Sammy was sewn by Rophy Creationes. They did an amazing job! The Sammy plush is about 11 inches tall & was limited to just 20! For only $60US(with free shipping worldwide!), this rare plush doll is well worth the price!

Sammy's custom tank tops are adorable! "I 'Heart' Muff" & "Suck It" are the perfect statements to adorn Sammy with! Though personally, I'm quite fond of his curly chest-hair!

Greenbag Toys also threw in the most awesome poster! They recently collaborated with Handsome Studio for the Art Toy Culture shore in Korea. As a result, we have this most amazing image of a Cute Snout(TTL) being straddled by Sammy! Extra bonus, the print is A3, so shouldn't prove difficult to frame(thank goodness!).

The trouble with plush toys, is displaying them. Sammy is HUGE! I've decided I'm going to create a custom display(which will hopefully fit ALL my Sammys). This requires a trip to IKEA. I will, maybe, do another blog post once I have it all prettified!

Next in the works for Greenbag Toys, is Brother Sacrum! I'm unsure when he's due for release, but I'm incredibly eager! Sammy is Greenbag Toys vision of sex & sexual desire. Brother Sacrum, in contrast, reveals Greenbag Toys views on organised religion.

Sammy will always be my favourite, but I'm excited to add Brother Sacrum to my collection in the future! I also cannot wait to see what else Greenbag Toys creates for us in the future!

As I write this, there are still a handful of Plush Fiction dolls available! If you'd like to buy one, or just check out Greenbag Toys other work, you can find him on instagram, facebook

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Cheestroyer "Bikkuriman" Pin & Flesh Cheestroyer Vinyl - Bad Teeth Comics

Ordered myself a epic pin last week! This has officially out-done all previous pins, this thing is huge!!! Cheestroyer "Bikkuriman" gold-plated hard enamel pin. Artwork by Bad Teeth & Cojica Toy. This pin is 1.75 inches(about 4.5cm) across. It's so big it has two butterfly clasps on the back! I mean, I knew it was big, but having it in my hands is another matter altogether!

Glenn Manders from Bad Teeth Comics was also kind enough to throw in a flesh mini Cheestroyer vinyl(sculpted by Double Haunt, produced by Unbox Industries)! Not a big fan of 'flesh' as a colour, but I'm a big fan of the Cheestroyer sculpt & maybe I'll find someone to paint it one day. Or maybe my blank vinyl collection will grow into a monster & I'll have this one flesh weirdo standing in the middle!

(Please ignore the excessive flash in this photo!)

I shoved the pin on my bag, took a bit of effort(had to move a few other pins/badges around), but I made it fit! I really wish one of my photos had captured the epic shininess of this pin, but alas, my photography skills continue to suck.

Also JUST managed to cram the flesh Cheestroyer onto my arrow shelf. I'm going to need to do some serious reorganisation soon! Quite a lovely addition to my Cheestroyer collection however!

These pins are limited to 100 & I highly recommend you snag one before they're gone(there was less then 30 left when I ordered mine). Bad Teeth has pin/vinyl lots listed in their store as well. For anyone seeking a flesh Cheestroyer(or a blue one!).

You can go buy something on Bad Teeth Comics Big Cartel store, or stop by their instagram or facebook.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Pug U - 3rd Planet (Chatpakon Spng)

Who doesn't love pug dogs? 3rd Planet(Chatpakon Spng) has created a truly unique toy! These little cuties can be mixed & matched! I had to buy two, just so I could play! These little Pugs are about 2 inches tall & 3 inches long in size. They were only about $13.50 AUD each, which is a VERY reasonable price.

These aren't the most refined toys I've ever bought, but they're quite fun. I love an interactive toy & I bought two specifically for that purpose. Perhaps it's due to the period I grew up in, but inter-changeable toys are very appealing to me & it's always fun when you can actually 'play' with your toys!

I have to say I was a little disappointed with the packaging. Basic sealable baggies. No header cards, no business cards or stickers. Just my toys in a box. Though admittedly, WELL packaged! Layers & layers of bubble wrap & tiny styrofoam beads... which I spilled everywhere... In my personal opinion though, packaging is all part of the process & these were greatly lacking in that regard.

I think this might be my first toy from Thailand. The toy community over there is growing like crazy & I endlessly see creative work from that corner of the world. I hope to acquire many more toys from Thailand in the future!

I really love the touch of pink in their middle sections. I'm not a huge fan of pink, but I believe it's a wonderful contrast colour & these toys are a beautiful example. I'm almost tempted to display them in pieces, just to emphasise their pink insides.

3rd Planet has teased a few other colours lately. Clear vinyl, a pink/blue marble version etc. I find the blanks very appealing(perhaps because they're shiny). As much as I feel a little indifferent about these first two, I'm still oddly tempted to buy more(which really, makes me question my slightly unenthusiastic opinion of these toys)!

3rd Planet doesn't have a website, but you can find them on facebook & instagram!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Kappa - Stegoforest - Jesse Narens

More vinyl! Yay! This weird little cutie is called 'Kappa' by Jesse Narens. Part of his 'Stegoforest' series. This sculpt was first teased about 3 years ago(or at least that's when I first became aware of it), originally named 'Mossy Kappa'. I instantly wanted it! Luckily I saw a blog post from SpankyStokes a couple of weeks ago about the first release & I managed to snag the very last one! There was 4 or 5 different colours for the first release(I think), I got a red one!

Yokai demons are pretty common to see in the toy realm & Kappas are a pretty popular choice. Generally I find it all a bit redundant, but this little guy is the exception to my rule apparently. I couldn't look past it's cute little feet & tail, it's hooked beak & the general creepy cuteness of it.

These were produced by Science Patrol, the same milky red vinyl used for my Mastodon Tank I think. About 3.75inches long & 1.75inches tall. It's articulated at the neck & very well balanced thanks to it's four feet.

I'm so glad I learned about this released before they sold out. Though I'm sure there will be more Kappas in the future, I'm particularly fond of red. Jesse Narens 'stegoforest' creatures are wonderful & I'm excited to see what other strange things he creates in the future.

You can find Jesse Narens 'Stegoforest' on facebook & instagram

Thursday, May 25, 2017

FuKu Bear ( Blank Pink ) & ( Blank Yellow ) - Don't Cry In The Morning

How cute are these? Don't Cry In The Morning recently dived into the realm of vinyl & the moment I saw the FuKu bear, I basically stalked their social media until an online release happened! DCITM are an avid user of bright colours & these bears are no exception! As you can see, I couldn't decide which colour I liked best, so I bought both!

I think these bears are totally weird! Bulgy eyes & fortune cookie heads? Who comes up with that? The combination of cute & weird is greatly appealing to me!

The Fuku Bears were one of two toys that were part of DCITM first vinyl release. The 'Kaiju YaKu' was also available in two colours(they have both sold out already). Honestly, I was quite tempted by the kaiju as well, but my money supply was limited & the FuKu Bears were my priority!

I really love these toys! They bring a bit of colour my shelves, which is always nice! They're about 4.5 inches(12cm) tall, surprisingly well balance(I had them standing on my coffee table, which I then walked into & they stayed standing!). They also have cute little tails & I love that their hands are smooth, almost like they're gloved! Honestly a very well thought out toy! They are also only HK$220(about $30 USD) each, which is a bargain!

Both the pink & yellow blank FuKu Bears are limited to 50 each. There's still some available, so grab them while you can! I'm excited to see what other colours are produced in the future! Though really, I just think I'm excited to have more sofubi in my life! On a roll this year!

You can find Don't Cry In The Morning on facebook & instagram, or pop over to their site & buy yourself one of their first FuKu Bear releases!

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Mickey Monster - Vincent Scala

Back in November, the Mickey Monster kickstarter was making the rounds on social media. I loved Vincent Scalas design, but as I have no credit/debit card I was unable to pledge. Instead I took the time to share it obsessively, in the hope that when it reached its goal & got produced, I could buy one. That opportunity recently became a reality & now I have this epic mickey-parody freak for my shelves!

Admittedly the quality of this toy is a little lacking. Mine came loose from it's inner blister during shipping & was floating around in it's packaging. Honestly though, for $40 USD, this thing is amazing! 7 inches tall & 3 points of articulation(which really helps with it's balance... which is a little questionable!). I actually love that the vinyl seams are weirdly placed(bottom of the head, at the top of one leg) & the paintwork isn't as perfect as it could be. It all makes the toy quite unique & a little silly!

Vincent Scala threw in a few goodies for me. All very awesome, but the pin is probably my favourite. It's found a new home on my bag & it's officially the largest pin I own! These stickers are pretty sick though. Makes me feel the need to come up with a solution for my ever-growing collection of stickers!

The concept for this toy is creepy & playful. There are three version of Mickey Monster. The solid black & pink versions are limited to 50 & are $100 USD a piece. If i could afford it I'd totally snag the other two versions!

I absolutely love this toy! So happy to finally have one in my hands & it was totally worth the wait! I'm excited to see what else Vincent Scala will make in the future!

You can check out his work(or buy your own Mickey Monster!) on his website & instagram

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Customs - Bash Projects(Bas Petter)

This is probably the largest order of toys so far in my collecting history! It might seem insane to some, but this purchase took... some time. Almost 4 years in fact. It was totally worth the wait(the blame for the long time period can probably be put on both parties equally :P)!

It all began with a contest. Bash Projects(Bas Petter) had just completed a set of mini 'Lunartik in a Cup of Tea' customs that he called 'The Barrels of Tea'.

Six brave animals who aren't afraid of a little adventure. They traded their Cups of Tea for these wooden barrels and jumped in the river. They are gonna go down the Niagara Falls!

Bas decided to give away of couple of these cuties. He held a contest that required giving an idea for a larger Cup of Tea custom. I was one of two winners. The elephant 'Barrel of Tea' was my cute little prize! I also managed to snag the last 'Barrel of Tea'(the pig) that was available.

My idea for my contest entry was a 'Cute Little Rat'. As Bash started sharing photos of his progress on the custom, it became clear to me that I'd need to buy that rat once it was complete.

Honestly this rat is adorable! Bas obviously took my suggestion of 'cute' literally. It's wearing cheese on it's head & look at it's tiny little bear minion! It's just insanely adorable!

The other winning idea was a 'Head Hunter'. I decided to snag that too! It's a pretty mental custom.

I really love the bone through it's nose, beautifully executed in my opinion. I also love the colours(which my photos really don't do justice to) & the fact it's cooking itself!

When I saw this monstrous custom 8' Dunny zombie, I thought to myself 'Fuck it, why not add one more to your order!'(of course, being me, I DIDN'T stop there & you can read about the absolutely LAST additions to my order on my A Clockwork Orange Collector blog). I really love the details on this one. The little severed arm, the dismembered limbs, the exposed brain. It's just all happening with this freak!

You may notice in the pics, there's an axe that needs to be re-attached to the back, I'll get around to that the next time I feel I'm having a 'steady-hands' day(it was removed to ensure safe travel on it's way to me)!

Bas also threw in his epic take on King Kong that he strung together for ToyConUK back in 2014. Honestly a pretty mind-blowing custom 7' Munny. I'm quite happy to add it to my collection!

These toys are brilliant! I'm glad I'm able to lay claim to such a huge selection of customs from Bash Projects.
I'm unsure if Bas is still making customs, but you can find him on facebook & inquire if you love his work!