Monday, July 24, 2017

Combex Bear & Art Whore Patch

I always intend to acquire vintage toys & I never seem to actually follow-through on that intention! Thankfully I have friends who rectify my self-deprivation! Josh Griffith from Art Whore recently bought himself an armful of toys. A few comments later & he offered to send me one! I always appreciate a gift!

Thanks for the use of your photo Josh!

This adorable squeaky toy is from a company called Combex & was made in England. I'm unsure exactly what decade it's from(or it's exact name), I'd guess during the 50s-70s somewhere. It's about 10 inches tall & by far one of my more domineering toys!
One of the reasons I think I found this toy so appealing, is it's bib. One of the first toys I ever owned(& still own) wore a bib. Nostalgic appeal is behind many of the things I own.

Due to it's age I decided to put it on, what I call, my 'Knick Knack' shelf. Where I put all my vintage/antique items, or anything that simply has no other home. Now I need more vintage toys for it to loom over!

In addition to the lovely chunk of vintage vinyl, there was a patch swimming around in my package too! This patch is just ridiculously retro! I had actually intended to buy one the next time I was shopping in Art Whores shop. My crappy photo really doesn't emphasise the colours on this patch. I'm eager to get it stitched to my bag(if i can find the space)!

It's nice to have something a bit different, a bit random & a bit cute! I truly appreciate the gesture & I'm always happy to add something new to my collection! Hopefully, I'll have more vintage toys to share in the future & to accompany this bear on my shelves!

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Plush Fiction - A Sammy 'Sado Friend' Plush Doll - Greenbag Toys

Last year, I reviewed 'Sammy the Sado' by Greenbag Toys & included an early teaser for the Sammy plush doll!The wait is over & they're finally here! I'm a huge fan of Sammy. This doll is pretty ridiculous, but much like it's resin counterpart, Sammy continues to appeal to me!

Sammy is a delivery of fantasies, his job is answering the calls of the avid customers searching for new and exciting experiences. Sammy does not speak, he only listens, smiles and execute. For him there's not an impossible, sufficiently risky or weird fantasy, in the Sammy's world, everything is possible, you just have to call and wait until he knocks on your door.

The Plush Fiction doll comes packaged with a print(from the photo-shoot done for the release of the toy!) & two tank tops! It's always fun to get a toy that can actually be played with. Sammy even has velcro on his hands(though mine seems to be a bit fat to hold his hands together!).

Sammy was sewn by Rophy Creationes. They did an amazing job! The Sammy plush is about 11 inches tall & was limited to just 20! For only $60US(with free shipping worldwide!), this rare plush doll is well worth the price!

Sammy's custom tank tops are adorable! "I 'Heart' Muff" & "Suck It" are the perfect statements to adorn Sammy with! Though personally, I'm quite fond of his curly chest-hair!

Greenbag Toys also threw in the most awesome poster! They recently collaborated with Handsome Studio for the Art Toy Culture shore in Korea. As a result, we have this most amazing image of a Cute Snout(TTL) being straddled by Sammy! Extra bonus, the print is A3, so shouldn't prove difficult to frame(thank goodness!).

The trouble with plush toys, is displaying them. Sammy is HUGE! I've decided I'm going to create a custom display(which will hopefully fit ALL my Sammys). This requires a trip to IKEA. I will, maybe, do another blog post once I have it all prettified!

Next in the works for Greenbag Toys, is Brother Sacrum! I'm unsure when he's due for release, but I'm incredibly eager! Sammy is Greenbag Toys vision of sex & sexual desire. Brother Sacrum, in contrast, reveals Greenbag Toys views on organised religion.

Sammy will always be my favourite, but I'm excited to add Brother Sacrum to my collection in the future! I also cannot wait to see what else Greenbag Toys creates for us in the future!

As I write this, there are still a handful of Plush Fiction dolls available! If you'd like to buy one, or just check out Greenbag Toys other work, you can find him on instagram, facebook