Monday, July 24, 2017

Combex Bear & Art Whore Patch

I always intend to acquire vintage toys & I never seem to actually follow-through on that intention! Thankfully I have friends who rectify my self-deprivation! Josh Griffith from Art Whore recently bought himself an armful of toys. A few comments later & he offered to send me one! I always appreciate a gift!

Thanks for the use of your photo Josh!

This adorable squeaky toy is from a company called Combex & was made in England. I'm unsure exactly what decade it's from(or it's exact name), I'd guess during the 50s-70s somewhere. It's about 10 inches tall & by far one of my more domineering toys!
One of the reasons I think I found this toy so appealing, is it's bib. One of the first toys I ever owned(& still own) wore a bib. Nostalgic appeal is behind many of the things I own.

Due to it's age I decided to put it on, what I call, my 'Knick Knack' shelf. Where I put all my vintage/antique items, or anything that simply has no other home. Now I need more vintage toys for it to loom over!

In addition to the lovely chunk of vintage vinyl, there was a patch swimming around in my package too! This patch is just ridiculously retro! I had actually intended to buy one the next time I was shopping in Art Whores shop. My crappy photo really doesn't emphasise the colours on this patch. I'm eager to get it stitched to my bag(if i can find the space)!

It's nice to have something a bit different, a bit random & a bit cute! I truly appreciate the gesture & I'm always happy to add something new to my collection! Hopefully, I'll have more vintage toys to share in the future & to accompany this bear on my shelves!

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