Saturday, September 10, 2016

Bukkake - Electric Monarchy

It's probably quite obvious that I enjoy the occasional dirty/inappropriate toy. Recently Art Whore listed a toy in their store that fit that description. Honestly the toy name 'Bukkake' was enough to get my attention! I just had to have one!

A lot of people were involved in the creation of this little cum-pile. The original design is by Fintism(Electric Monarchy) & this is their very first toy! It was sculpted by Macsorro & casted by TRU:TEK. It's cast in 'rubber resin'(don't ask me what that is, but it's what the packaging says!) & seriously just an amazing design concept & beautifully rendered!

Luckily I learn of the existence of this toy before it was sold out(which it now is). Exclusive to Art Whore, this GID version was limited to only 25.

Every purchase of Bukkake came with a bonus toy(from random series). I must be lucky as I was sent a bunch of extra goodies! The black coated rubber head is particularly awesome(though i'm also rather fond of the red bear-head M.U.S.C.L.E. man)!

I tried to get a photo of Bukkake glowing, but my lack of photography skills killed that idea. You can find some great glow pics on the Electric Monarchy Instagram page however!

I couldn't be happier with this chubby little keshi! The attention to detail in the sculpt is stunning! It's also nice to add something disgusting & glowy to my collection.

You can find Fintism(Electric Monarchy) Instagram, Twitter or their website.
You can find Art Whore on facebook & Instagram. Or visit their website or store!
You can find Macsorro on
You can find TRU:TEK on Instagram

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Soft Vinyl Mayhem 2

The second annual Soft Vinyl Mayhem exhibit is on! Presented by Bad Teeth Comics, Derrr Toys & Laced. The exhibit is running for a week this year. Over 35 artists have contributed to the show & the selection is simply amazing!

I popped in on Friday for the preview show, to check prices & snag a few pictures. It was great to have the opportunity to see this selection of toys in person. There were a few artists I'd never heard of this year & I love having the chance to expand my art-toy knowledge!

These photos only cover a small selection that the show had to offer!

One of the highlights of the show were the pieces NagNagNag sent over. They were only available through a lottery at the preview show & tragically beyond my price range. I'm super jealous of the winners!

I went back in today to join the epic line-up of eager toy enthusiasts waiting to buy some goodies(wish I'd snag a photo of that!). I managed to snatch up a Saihatari by Amapro & a blank orange Cadaver Kid by Splurrt.
Not my biggest spending spree, but I'm VERY happy with the pieces I walked away with!

I neglected to post about the first Soft Vinyl Mayhem show last year(in fact, I neglected to blog all year). So for your viewing pleasure, here are all my Soft Vinyl Mayhem acquisitions in one picture!

So if you're local, make sure to head into the Brisbane city while the exhibit is still on! Now I eagerly await for next years SVM exhibit!

You can find more info(or jsut keep updated) about Soft Vinyl Mayhem on the website & Instagram