Get a tag of the unlegendary LeFucker. Cast in resin by the awesome people from Pretty in Plastic, this is hardy enough to be used as a weapon of minimal destruction or just as a decorative piece on your table to serve as a warning to nincompoops. Or perhaps as a gift to your beloved boss.
Time to screw the world.
Time to screw the world.
I always love being introduced to another company that produce toys. Pretty In Plastic make some incredible items, the series of LeFucker Tags is a beautiful example in my opinion. Personally, I think it's even more stunning in real life & it also makes a nice shelf-partner for my Tooth Decay.
Hopefully I'll own another one or two of these in the future. A yellow version has already been released as a follow-up to the Matt Black, but I'm holding out for the gloss black version! So happy with this first version however, glad to have it on my shelves. A lovely little statement piece.