Todays little items, are the Frank Kozik black Anarchy Trexi(my first non-A Clockwork Orange Kozik toy) & the Captain Singer Gwin by Alex Pardee.
This Trexi was released for SDCC in 2007, limited to 500 pieces. I was personally surprised I got him so cheap(no such luck with the white version). Of course, it worked with my current goal, trying to put a dent in my toy wishlist, by acquiring as many toys as possible, at the lowest price possible. This is difficult, as my income isn't particularly high, but it's just nice to buy a few things now & then. Even if they are the smaller or cheaper items I'm seeking. One day I'll be rich & start acquiring larger & more expensive toys!
I am truly happy to have my first Alex Pardee toy however. His work is beautifully disturbing & the most I became of his Captian Singer Gwin, I sought it out on eBay. It's deliciously violent & nightmarish, like a lot of Pardees vinyl toy work. Hopefully I'll have the opportunity to add more of his toys to my collection in the future.
Both are tiny & adorable toy & both are by artists I very much respect. They have amazing skill in my opinion & I'm glad to have finally begun acquiring their work. Their styles flow well with my own.
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